Daniel Hall
is a native of Idaho who relocated to the Evergreen State in 1997. For the past 20 years he has worked in higher education in a variety of student services positions and as a faculty member teaching social science classes. For the last 5 years he has been an Adjunct Professor of Sociology and Political Science at Tacoma Community College. He holds a master’s degree in Education from the University of Idaho and bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Sociology/Social Work from Idaho State University.
Dan’s passion outside of his paying job is his interest in “reality“–what it is and what it isn’t. In this regard he has been associated with two paranormal investigation groups, the Bellingham Observers of the Odd and Obscure (BOOO) and the Olympia Paranormal Research Group (OPRG). He has also been a field investigator trainee for the Mutual UFO Network and has been involved in research into the Sasquatch phenomenon.
Dan is the author of the e-book Don’t Go In There: Confessions of a Sociologist Turned Paranormal Investigator, available through Amazon.com.

Gwen Farrell
hails from The Lone Star State, Gwen now makes Arizona her home. She has a degree in psychology and education from Arizona State University and certification in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and Hypnosis Motivation Institute. She is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist specializing in Experiencer Therapy, a UFO investigations consultant, speaker and CE-5 researcher who has worked with hundreds of alien abductees/contactees in private therapy and groups at Star Works USA Symposium, MUFON Symposium and the International UFO Congress, for over 14 years. She facilitates on-line support groups for experiencers from around the world, is a past MUFON Field Investigator and Director of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team, Manager of The Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support (OPUS) Experiencer Support Team and author of numerous articles and books in the field of human-ET contact. Her professional affiliations include The American Hypnosis Association, The Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) and The Journal of Abduction Research (JAR).
Gwen is the author of Forbidden Questions: A Guide to Human-ET Contact, available through Amazon.com.

David Jinks
grew up in the wheat fields of Pullman, Washington and has made Olympia his home since 1998. Dave is the resident tech geek for Companion Veterinary Hospital in Lacey, WA, where he has worked since its opening in 1999. From 1996 to 1998 Dave worked at the then-fledgling online bookstore Amazon.com. He holds an MBA from Washington State University, with specialties in marketing and psychology.
In 1993, Dave happened upon a late-night alternative radio show (the Seattle based Laura Lee Show), which piqued his interest in controversial science topics such as UFOs, “crop circles,” “cold fusion,” psi phenomena and Sasquatch, among many others. Over 20 years later, his obsession with the paranormal has failed to wane. Apparently, he’s in it for the long haul.
Dave is the author of two books, The Monkey and the Tetrahedron: Compelling Connections between Mars, the UFO Dilemma and the Future of the Human Race and How To Control Your Dreams, both available through Amazon.com.